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Fingerprint Login

Fingerprint Login

Security & Surveillance


Sick of typing in your password every day when working or studying from home? Use our completely extensible fingerprint login system!

Using the Leonardo main board and our fingerprint sensor, you will be able to log in to your computer with only a thumb-print. What's more, you can also assign any of your other fingers to any amount of keyboard or mouse macros and have complete control of your computer right at your fingerprints! We've left plenty of space on the prototyping board so you can put more stuff on, such as additional buttons, LEDs, or maybe even a small joystick to control your mouse through the Arduino Keyboard and Mouse libraries.

Materials Required

1Duinotech Leonardo r3 Main BoardXC4430
1Duinotech Arduino Compatible Prototyping ShieldXC4482
1Duinotech Arduino and Raspberry Pi Fingerprint Sensor ModuleXC4636

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